Cancellation & Changes understands that sometimes plans change! That’s why we offer a flexible 12-hour window to make adjustments to your order.

Effortless Order Changes (Within 12 Hours)

  • Easily cancel or modify your order within 12 hours of placing it.
  • Use our “Contact Us” page, create a support ticket, or email us directly: [email protected]

Important Note:

Unfortunately, due to production timelines, changes cannot be made after 12 hours.

Ensure Speedy Delivery

  • Double-check your shipping address at checkout to avoid delays!
  • You are responsible for providing the correct delivery address.
  • Nameweddings is not liable for non-delivery due to address errors.

We’re Here to Help!

Have questions? Our friendly customer service team is happy to assist you via email: [email protected]

Your Satisfaction is Our Gift

At Nameweddings, your satisfaction is our top priority. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a smooth ordering experience

Contact Information

 Fulfillment Address: 124 Broadkill Rd, Milton, Delawarelaware 19968, United States.
Office Address:
Email support: [email protected]
Working Hours: Mon–Sat: 9AM-5PM